Are you a landlord looking to sell? Or, are you looking to buy your next investment property?

Category News and Advice


Covid-19 and the enforced lockdown period has undoubtedly placed severe pressure on the economy both from a macro economic aspect and all the way to each individual company. 


Fortunately, some companies such as online marketers, courier services and chemical manufacturers were able to hit targets. However, for the large majority it has been a sad state of affairs.


Many tenants are now downscaling, considering short term rentals, negotiating rentals, have filed for business rescue and have even shut their doors. 


I believe the worst of this will be seen three to six months from now. The market is going to be injected with stock for sale which will in turn push down pricing. The banking institutions debt free periods are going to end and they will start demanding their bond repayments.


Decent investment opportunities will arise out of this chaos, and of course we now also have the added benefit of the low repo rate.


Get in touch with our team to discuss your standpoint. We are always in possession of stock that we can't openly market, and we also have an array of investors at our disposal.


Author: Loy de Jager

Submitted 28 May 20 / Views 1028